How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card In Oklahoma 2025
It’s true, it is still a crime to use recreational marijuana in the state of Oklahoma. But they also have some of the most liberal medical marijuana laws in the nation.
With a medical marijuana patient license, you can legally possess medical marijuana and grow your own cannabis.
Keep reading to find out exactly how you can get your Oklahoma medical marijuana card.

Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Program
Medical marijuana became legalized in Oklahoma on June 26, 2018. This is when voters approved State Question 788.
The state has surprisingly been the quickest in the nation to fully implement a medical marijuana program.
The health department began accepting applications within two months. During this time they started accepting applications from patients and caregivers. They also started working with soon-to-be medical marijuana businesses. The first sales were underway just a month later.
Medical marijuana patients in Oklahoma can buy and possess cannabis legally.
The possession limits are:
- Three ounces of cannabis on your person
- Eight ounces of cannabis at your residence
- 72 ounces of edible marijuana
- One ounce of concentrated marijuana
- Six mature marijuana plants
- Six seedling plants
The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority manages the program. They are a part of the Oklahoma State Department of Health. They follow state laws set forth in Question 788.
It is this department’s job to process all commercial and patient applications. They also provide customer service to licensees and enforce the rules of the program.
Oklahoma Medical Card Requirements
To become an Oklahoma medical marijuana patient yourself, you need to be a legal resident of the state. And you must be at least 18 years old.
You also need a recommendation from a certified medical marijuana doctor. They must agree that you could benefit from MMJ treatment.
A minor can have a caregiver help them complete the application process.
A caregiver is an adult assistant that helps medical marijuana patients with their treatment. With a caregiver license, they can help with a variety of tasks for their patient.
They include:
- Buying medical cannabis
- Transporting medical cannabis
- Administering medical marijuana to their patient
Caregivers must be 21 or older.
For approval, potential caregivers must be free of any violent felonies. Caregivers must also be free of any drug-related felonies. And they can’t have any type of convictions from within the last 10 years.
Background checks are required during the application process.
A physician needs to certify the necessity of a caregiver before a patient can have one approved. Both the patient and the caregiver must sign a completed caregiver designation form. This is the only way to establish an official relationship.
There is no application fee to become a caregiver.

Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions List
Many medical conditions qualify for medical marijuana treatment. Oklahoma does not have an exhaustive list of approved conditions.
Instead, you just need a recommendation from your medical marijuana doctor.
It’s much more liberal than other programs. All you have to do is visit your doctor in person or online.
If your doctor agrees that you may benefit from medical marijuana they can recommend you for the program. They just need to complete the Adult Patient Physician Recommendation Form.
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card In Oklahoma
To get a medical marijuana card, Oklahoma residents need to see a board-certified physician. The physician has to be licensed to practice in Oklahoma.
They will chat with you to see if you are eligible for cannabis treatment. If so, they will state this in the recommendation form.
As we mentioned, you can meet with your doctor online or offline.
You can always drive to meet a physician face to face. And then wait for them to fill the form out.
Or you can choose to complete the whole process online, which is much cheaper.
And the most well-established services like Leafwell and Veriheal have money-back guarantees. So if you don’t end up getting a recommendation you don’t waste a penny.
There is a super simple three-step process to follow. Complete these three steps and you will be well on your way to buying medical marijuana products with your medical cannabis card.
Here are the steps to get your Oklahoma medical marijuana card:
1. Certification From An Oklahoma-Certified Healthcare Provider
You have to speak with a reasonable and prudent physician to get your medical marijuana recommendation.
The easiest way to get your recommendation is through a telehealth appointment.
Either way, you will receive a medical certificate if approved. Once you have your certificate you can apply to the state program.
2. Complete Your Application With Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority
Check to make sure you have all your documents ready. Do this before you begin your application. You will need the following things to successfully apply:
Physician recommendation form
All of the patient and physician information needs to be filled out. Make sure the physician signed the document.
You must apply online within 30 days of the physician’s signature.
Digital photo
This photo is for your medical marijuana card. It should be on a plain white or off-white background. You should have no glasses or hats on. The top of the head and shoulders need to be visible.
You can take the picture on your cell phone as long as you keep the above requirements in mind.
Proof of identity
One document is enough to show proof of identity.
An unexpired OK driver’s license or ID card is acceptable. So are US passports or other government-issued photo IDs.
The Department of Public Safety accepts tribal ID.
Proof of residency
You only need one document to show proof of residency. Acceptable forms of proof of residency include:
- Oklahoma driver’s license
- The preceding year’s state tax returns
- A utility bill
- A residential property deed
- A current rental agreement
Proof of Medicaid/Medicare/disabled veteran status
This is optional during the application process.
If you want to show proof of Medicaid you need your enrollment letter. If you are showing proof for Medicare then you need to show the front of your Medicare card.
And if you are showing proof of veteran status then you will need your veteran status letter from the VA.
There is a non-refundable $100 application fee. Those who showed proof of the above special statuses qualify for a $20 non-refundable application fee.
Online account
After you have all the above ready you can apply to the state. Go to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority website and click to apply.
You will create an account using your email address. Fill out your application and upload your documents. Then you just need to pay and submit your application.
3. Get Approved For Your OK Medical Card
When you have made it this far all that is left to do is see if you are approved or declined. Approved patients will receive their medical cards in the mail. They should come within about 14 business days.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card In Oklahoma Online
Getting an OK medical marijuana card online is simple. You can get your medical card recommendation in just minutes online and it stays valid for an entire year.
Instead of seeing an offline physician, you complete step one above by consulting with a physician online. Like I mentioned, this saves you time and can save you lots of money, too.
Meeting with a physician in person can cost hundreds of dollars. And they might not have the same expertise when it comes to recommending medical marijuana that you get with online physicians who regularly work with MMJ patients.
The physicians who work with telehealth platforms are licensed to recommend medical marijuana in their state.
They are up to date with all the state cannabis laws and regulations. And they are knowledgeable about medical marijuana treatments. They are familiar with how it can help with many different types of health conditions.
You can read reviews from thousands of other patients who are happy that they completed the process online.
To do the same, you need to choose the telehealth provider you want to go through. Then create an account on their website. You will be walked through the process of selecting your state and creating your account.
Be ready to provide your basic information like name, address, and birthday. Leafwell and Veriheal both use powerful software that protects your information and privacy. Once you enter your information you just need to pay the fee and schedule your consultation with a physician.
When your appointment takes place, you will meet with a physician through a video call. The point of the call is to discuss the potential of medical marijuana for helping your current health conditions.
The physician may speak with you about your current and past medical history. You can ask any questions you may have about MMJ.
If your physician agrees that you may benefit from medical marijuana then they will complete the physician recommendation form and you will be able to move on to your state application.
How Much Does An Oklahoma Medical Card Cost Online?
Getting your Oklahoma medical marijuana card can cost as low as $249 total.
We recommend checking out Leafwell and Veriheal as they are two of your cheapest options. They both service Oklahoma medical marijuana patients and they both have full money-back guarantees if you are unable to get a recommendation.
Leafwell costs $149 and Veriheal is $199. This covers the cost of your consultation with a physician. And you can also take advantage of their resources and customer service.
- Apply within 10 minutes!
- Connect with a board certified physician
- Your money back if you’re unsuccessful with your application
Veriheal has 24/7 customer support which is really valuable for first-time patients, as well as has cannabis coaches who can help you optimize your regimen.
Leafwell also has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to state-specific laws and information.
Don’t forget, after you complete your consultation through one of these services you still need to complete the state application and pay the fee. That will cost $100 unless you qualify for a discount.
Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card Benefits
Recreational marijuana is illegal in Oklahoma, so getting your medical cannabis card comes with some pretty important benefits.
Hopefully, we will see State Question 819 pass later this year, legalizing recreational marijuana in Oklahoma.
If it does, there will still be plenty of reasons to get your medical card.
Avoid A Misdemeanor For Possession
Getting caught outside of your home in possession of medical marijuana without a valid card is a misdemeanor crime.
With a valid medical card, you can consume marijuana legally. Right now, getting caught with up to 1.5 ounces comes with a fine of up to $400 if you have a medical condition. But without one the penalty can be as much as a $1,000 fine and a year of jail time.
With a valid medical card, your access to medical marijuana increases greatly. Your possession limits are expanded to 3 ounces of flower outside your home.
And you can have up to 8 ounces of usable cannabis flower inside your home. Or, you can have one ounce of concentrated marijuana or 72 ounces of edibles.
Grow Your Own OK MMJ
You can also grow cannabis plants for yourself. Patients are allowed to cultivate up to six mature flower plants and six seedlings at a time.
Counties and cities are allowed to enact guidelines to allow patients to exceed these limits if appropriate.

Enjoy Third Party Tested Marijuana
Another big benefit patients get from having their valid registry identification card is access to third-party tested products directly from dispensaries. I
f you don’t feel like growing your own plants you can order directly from a licensed Oklahoma dispensary.
They get their products from licensed commercial growers and processors. This ensures that the products sold to medical patients are safe for consumption.
All growers and distributors are approved by the health department and must comply with state regulations.
Employee Protections
You may also benefit from anti-discrimination protections. A school, employer, or landlord may not penalize an OK patient just because they are a medical marijuana patient.
Employers may not take action against Oklahoma medical marijuana patients who fail a drug test, either. But they may prohibit the use of marijuana at work or during work hours.
There are even more protections laid out in the measure. Some of the big ones relate to child custody, visitations, and child welfare.
Out Of State Access
These benefits may extend into other states. If a state has medical marijuana reciprocity that means they recognize valid medical cards issued by other states. If you travel and stay there you may be able to use your medical marijuana legally.
Oftentimes, the rules are different for visiting patients. You may have to follow different laws than the local MMJ patients.
You should always call the state agency that manages the medical marijuana program before traveling. This way you can be sure of the most recent laws and regulations.
Many states have a strict list of qualifying conditions for patients. If your qualifying condition is not on their list then you may not qualify.
That means you will not be covered by any of their state protections. Even if you are traveling with a valid OK medical marijuana card.

How Hard Is It to Get a Medical Card In Oklahoma?
It’s easy for new prospective patients to get a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma.
Prospective patients need to be 18 or older to apply themselves, and they can’t have any felony convictions. Minors can also become patients with the help of eligible caregivers aged 21+.
As long as those things are checked off the list, patients just need to get a recommendation from a physician. But remember, they must be a licensed Oklahoma medical marijuana doctor.
Patients just need to have their doctor fill out the form recommending medical marijuana. Then with that, they can fill out the state application and pay the application fee.
Does Oklahoma Accept Out Of State Medical Cards?
Yes, Oklahoma does accept out-of-state medical cards.
If you are a resident of another state and you have a valid, state-government-issued medical card then you are eligible for Oklahoma’s out-of-state patient license.
Only state-government-issued licenses or cards are eligible. So if you only have a medical recommendation issued by a state medical provider you will not qualify.
For example, Missouri and Arkansas residents can apply for an out-of-state patient license. This is because their state governments issue medical cards.
But Texas residents do not qualify. This is because the Texas state government does not issue medical marijuana cards to its residents.
Instead, registered doctors prescribe MMJ to their patients. Those with only a prescription from a doctor will not qualify for the out-of-state program in Oklahoma.
The out-of-state patient licenses are valid for 30 days. To get one you must provide your medical marijuana patient card or license. You will also need to provide an acceptable photo and proof of identity.
Digital color copies of the front and back of your driver’s license or US passport are acceptable.
Wrapping Up OK Medical Cards
Getting my medical marijuana card has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Even after recreational marijuana became legal in my state I still enjoy lots of patient benefits.
Oklahoma law makes it easy for people to become qualified patients. Don’t waste any time finding out if medical marijuana can help improve your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to get approved for a medical card in Oklahoma?
State law requires Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Authority to process new applications within 14 business days.
Once the application is processed they will send you an email so you know if it was approved or not. This means you can be approved in three weeks or less.
But it also takes about two days for the program to print the patient license identification card. Then they need to mail it. So it may take an additional two weeks to receive your card in the mail after being approved.
How long does it take to get a temporary medical card in Oklahoma?
It takes 14 business days to find out if you are approved for a short-term, or temporary, medical card in Oklahoma.
You can apply for a temporary medical card with the following information:
- Proof of identity
- Proof of Oklahoma residency
- An acceptable photo
- A signed physician recommendation form
A temporary medical card is only valid for 60 days. They are for patients that need medical marijuana for a shorter amount of time than the typical full two-year period. The application fee is still $100.