
How To Stop Being High: 10 Things to Help Ease The Green Out

Working at dispensary, I’ve seen it all. The blissful highs and, yeah, the not-so-great moments when someone’s weed adventure turns into a bumpy ride and they need help.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Overstepped our green limits, maybe with a joint too strong or an edible that hit harder than expected.

If you’re reading looking for a way to dial back from greening out, I’ve got some news for you. No magic rewind button, sure, but there are some easy steps you can take to mellow that intense high.

Stick around, and I’ll share some insider tips on how to cruise back from being too stoned. Trust me, it’s all part of the journey.


Illustration of a man too high

Key Takeaways

  • While you can’t make your high go away completely, there are things you can do to reduce some of the more negative effects of THC.
  • To counteract an intense cannabis high, techniques include hydration, eating foods like lemons and pine nuts, using CBD, cold showers, deep breathing, light exercise, and avoiding alcohol and stimulants.
  • Understanding and managing cannabis consumption can help control its effects, using methods like hydration, dietary choices, and relaxation strategies.

Understanding the Intoxicating Effects of THC

THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis responsible for the high weed is famous for.

When it comes to consuming cannabis, the intensity and duration of your high can be influenced by multiple factors.

The consumption method, dose and your tolerance level all play a role in how much THC (the primary compound responsible for the high) affects you.

When you smoke weed, for example, THC enters your bloodstream and brain almost instantly, while eating edibles takes longer due to the digestive process.

While the psychoactive effects of THC are why most people consume cannabis in the first place, too much of anything isn’t necessarily a good thing.

The effects of cannabis can become unpleasant with higher doses. Anxiety and paranoia are the most common effects of the darker side of THC, but taming THC is indeed possible.

Understanding how the various factors that lead to adverse effects, as well as how your body metabolizes cannabis can help you more accurately gauge your tolerance levels and avoid consuming too much weed.

10 Ways To Sober Up When You Get Too High

Now that you better understand what contributes to a high that’s a bit too intense, let’s explore some different ways to sober up quickly when you’re feeling too high.

1. Stay Hydrated

Illustration of a lady drinking water next to her bong

When trying to sober up from a cannabis high that feels out of control, hydration is key.

Not only does drinking water alleviate discomfort, it can also help calm you down and relieve some of the not-so-pleasant side effects of being too high.

Drinking water not only helps combat dry mouth, a common side effect of weed, it also can help with any anxiety you’re experiencing.

Just by focusing on something simple like focusing on slowly sipping a glass of water and notice how it feels while it goes down your throat can help distract you from the thoughts that are causing you to panic.

Staying hydrated can also help your body flush out substances faster, which is hugely beneficial when trying to return to a sober state.

2. Eat Certain Foods

Feeling anxious or paranoid during a cannabis high?

Certain foods, like lemons and pine nuts, can help reduce anxiety and counteract THC’s negative effects on short-term memory.

Lemons contain limonene, a terpene known for its calming properties. Try zesting some lemon skin into hot water and sipping it, or steep herbs like lemon balm (known for its anxiolytic effects) in water for a similar effect.

Pine nuts may also help reduce the THC buzz. They contain pinene, a terpene also found in cannabis that research shows contains a calming effect and may reduce the effects of cannabis on short-term memory. Eat them raw or lightly toast them in a dry pan for a few minutes if you feel too high.

Black pepper is another food to employ when you get too high. Some even say that just inhaling the scent of black pepper can combat paranoia and anxiety.

It’s suggested this is due to caryophyllene, a terpene in black peppercorns (and cannabis) that acts as a full agonist at CB2 receptors, which may increase the sedative effects of cannabis which may help chill you out.

Fun fact: Caryophyllene is the only terpene that also works as a cannabinoid and the first proven cannabinoid outside of the cannabis plant.

Consuming any of the anxiety-reducing foods above, perhaps along with a pinch of black pepper, can help to mellow out your high and make it more manageable.

3. Use CBD

CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis that may counteract THC effects by:

  • Blocking THC from binding to CB1 cannabinoid receptors
  • Reducing THC-induced anxiety
  • Balancing cannabinoid receptor signals

Using CBD oil, which can be taken sublingually or added to food and drinks, is one method of taking CBD when the effects of THC become too much.

While more research is needed to fully understand the potential synergy between CBD and THC, anecdotal evidence suggests that a balanced CBD/THC ratio can be a helpful tool for taming THC’s effects.

4. Take a Cold Shower

Man In Cold Shower When Stoned Illustration

You’ve probably heard that one of the quickest ways to sober up is by taking a cold shower.

When you’ve gotten too high, a cold shower can be a lifesaver for reducing its intensity, while managing fatigue and anxiety.

Cold showers increase alertness and circulation, which can help counterbalance the sedative effects of THC. Start with warm water and gradually decrease the temperature until it’s cold, then shower for 5-10 minutes.

If the idea of a cold shower doesn’t appeal to you, consider taking a warm bath instead. The warmth can help relax tense muscles and promote a sense of calm, which can be beneficial when trying to sober up from a cannabis high.

5. Take Some Deep Breaths

Man taking deep breaths illustration

The breath can be an extremely powerful tool when you get too high.

There are several deep breathing techniques that can help reduce stress and anxiety caused by being too high.

Following is a simple deep breathing technique to practice the next time you get too high:

  • Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down in.
  • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  • Slowly inhale through your nose, feeling your stomach expand.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Repeat this process for a few minutes.

Simply focusing on your breath and trying to relax your body while engaging in the above breathing technique can do wonders to help you calm down.

You might also try counting your breaths or visualizing a calming scene in your mind, which can further enhance the relaxation benefits of the breath.

6. Lay Down

When you get too high, resting in a lying down position can offer comfort and alleviate some of the unease you feel.

Do not underestimate how taking breaks from stimulating activities and lying down anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours can help your body and mind recover from the effects of THC.

Following are some tips to help you relax:

  • Find a comfortable position that helps your body relax
  • Use a pillow or blanket for extra support if needed
  • Take a deep breath, with a focus on each inhalation and each exhalation until you feel your body and mind begin to relax

The simple act of laying down and letting yourself rest can be a powerful tool in helping you regain control and feel more comfortable during an intense high.

7. Do Some Light Exercise

Lady doing yoga next to her bong illustration

Engaging in light exercises like yoga or walking can assist in reducing anxiety and fostering relaxation, which can help reduce THC induced anxiety.

Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which can counteract the effects of THC and help with mood regulation. Physical activity can help increase blood flow, which can speed up the metabolism of THC in your system.

Choose a familiar activity that you enjoy, as this can help you feel more at ease and provide a sense of comfort during a cannabis high. When I overdo it dabbing my favorite THCA concentrates and get too high, a 20-minute gentle yoga routine is my go-to for serious anxiety reducing effects.

Remember not to engage in high-intensity workouts, as these can boost your high and make it more difficult to come down.

8. Distract Yourself With Activities You Enjoy

Distraction can be one of the best ways to get over a cannabis experience gone wrong. Seriously, the next time you get too high, distract yourself by doing an activity you enjoy.

This could be anything. Adult coloring books are an awesome distraction and amazing for reducing stress and anxiety.

Maybe you get outside in nature just to feel the fresh air and change your scenery.

Perhaps you cuddle with your dog or pet your cat until it purrs (also excellent for reducing anxiety). Consider playing a computer game or getting crafty with a DIY project you’ve been wanting to complete.

All of these activities can help take your mind off the high. distracting you from your paranoia while making the time go by faster.

9. Take a Nap

Sleep serves as an effective means of recovering from a THC-induced high and transitioning back to a sober state.

When you sleep, your body works to repair and restore itself, processing and metabolizing the THC in your system. If you’re feeling sleepy or drowsy, taking a quick nap can help you feel refreshed and more alert.

If you find it hard to fall asleep when trying to nap, return to your deep breathing techniques or engage in relaxing activities like taking a warm bath or listening to calming music.

which can help your body and mind relax and make it easier to sleep.

10. Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine & Other Stimulants

While following the tips we’ve discussed can be helpful in sobering up, there are some extra precautions to keep in mind when determining how to get un-high.

Avoid consuming alcohol, stimulants, and caffeine, as these substances can amplify the effects of cannabis despite how much weed you’ve consumed.

Alcohol, caffeine and other drugs will make it more difficult to come down from a too-high weed high. Additionally, try to avoid any stressful situations if you can, as they can exacerbate anxiety and adverse effects of THC.

Wrapping Up

Yes, there is such a thing as being too high.

And it can be awful. Feeling too high can range from uncomfortable to straight terrifying. But there are things you can do to help mitigate the effects of overconsuming THC and regain control.

The next time you’re too high, take a big whiff of some black peppercorns then sip on a cold beverage of good ol’ H20. We can’t promise it will work, but there are many cannabis consumers that swear a bit of hydration and pepper does the trick.

By implementing any of the tips discussed in this article, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of cannabis consumption with ease and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to go high?

Smoking weed will give you a high within 5 to 15 minutes, and the effects can last up to 4 hours.

What should I eat if I get too high?

A light snack can help, especially if it’s something that will calm you down. Pine nuts are a great option. Oranges and other citrus fruits are high in B-vitamins which may also help. Try adding some lemon rind into a glass of hot water with lemon juice, then sip slowly.

How do you get rid of feeling too high?

If you’re feeling too high, try laying down, hydrating, doing some breathing exercises, having a snack, taking a walk, taking a bath, taking some CBD or chewing on a couple black peppercorns.

What factors affect the intensity and duration of a cannabis high?

Consumption method, the dose of your cannabis product and your tolerance all play a role in determining the intensity and duration of a cannabis high.